Saturday, March 7, 2015

Competent Communication

I have a friend who has such great verbal communication skills. He has several characteristics such as positive outlook, outgoing, confident, and charismatic personality; whenever my friend talks he shows passion and interest towards whatever subject he is talking about. All of these attributes help with his verbal communication skills. In addition, my friend provides examples and metaphors when he talks in order for his listeners to get a much deeper understanding. I would love to have the ability and confidence to speak freely on whatever is on my mind, and is something that I am continuing to work on.


  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    Thank you for sharing about your friend. I think that your post describes how sometimes communication comes easier for some than others. Do you think so? It is definitely something that everyone can improve on with practice and hard work, but some people have a more natural ability. I love to listen to people that are good at telling stories and captivating an audience with enthusiasm and emotion. I agree with you that communication does take charisma and confidence. Great post. -Mary

  2. I would also love to have the confidence in speaking to a large group. I get really nervous at first but then once I get into the swing of things I am not nervous. It also depends on what group I am talking to.

  3. It is great that you want to be able to speak freely and say what is on your mind. When done in the right way saying what is on our minds can sometimes make us feel better and help others to understand us better. Speaking in front of people small or large groups is terrifying for me. I would also like to learn to overcome that fear.

  4. I agree I think it makes all the difference in the world if a speaker is engaging and can keep the audience's attention. We take much more from someone who has great communication skills.

  5. Hi Elizabeth,
    The two aspects of your post that I appreciate the most, is that you accept that communication skills are something that we must continually work on, and that you are able to identify a role model with effective communication strategies. Confidence is often an issue for me in communication. Oddly, when and where I feel confident dramatically effects my communication skills in the moment. For example, I have a lot of good communication skills when it comes to working with children. However, I find it much more difficult to have the same level of confidence when communicating with their parents. In fact, sometimes my communication with adults is corrupted because my confident communication style with children comes across differently with adults. My boyfriend sometimes accuses me of "talking down" to him like he's a child. While I don't believe that I talk down to children, what I recognize is that I am not adjusting my communication style to achieve effective communication with my boyfriend (though when he acts like a child, it's hard not to respond in my preschool voice!). Therefore, the initial point that I think we can all take from this class is that there are many different ways to communicate. And, the best communicators are always actively working on ways to improve.

  6. Elizabeth,
    I agree that there is always room to improve on any skills and speaking is definitely one of them. Your friend sounds like a great motivator to have in your corner. It takes time and confidence to become a great speaker. I was very scared and nervous as well and still is today. But I have learned to make sure as well that you capture your audience attention and the speech will go well. Thanks for share how you feel. I think this class will help us all to become better communicators. Good Post!
