Monday, December 15, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope I want to bring to my students and their families it to be sure to include and make everyone feel welcome. In addition, I want to be sure to incorporate everyone's culture into the classroom. I will perform this by making sure that the children and families have seen I have made an effort in trying to incorporate their diverse and unique traits to the classroom. These activities will consist of sharing our cultures in a class and show and tell discussion, a wall with resources for parents that are both written in English and in Spanish, in addition to having online resources where parents can receive further information (I would like my online page to have different varieties of languages that fits their language needs). 
Right now, I am working as a pre-school teacher and I notice that some children are a little standoffish to their peers that may look different (ethnic, cultural, religious background). If I do my part in making everyone feel welcome and educate my students about other cultures and of people's differences, I'm sure these fears that children may have will hopefully diminish.

I want to thank each and every one of you for commenting on my posts these past 8 weeks. Thank you for the feedback. I too have learned a lot through reading each one of your comments and posts. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    I admire your personal commitment to facilitating the intercultural play between children. Your class is lucky to have such a committed teacher who is focused on positive social interactions during play.
    I wish you and your class all the best and hope to see you in another Walden class!

  2. I totally agree with your post! I would like families to be welcomed in my classroom and I want to create a diverse atmosphere in the classroom. I also want the kids to be more open and play with each of their peers more. I want to learn more about my kids and their families so I want to send home things so I can create a diverse classroom about my student. Great Post!
