Sunday, March 29, 2015


This past week I had my Mother and college friend evaluate me on my communication skills. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved that all my scores were about the same. By knowing that I received similar results from others based on the way I communicate, this shows me that I know myself much more than I thought I had. Although, some of the questions were a bit difficult for my Mother and friend to answer, I spoke to them and told them to use their best judgment when answering the questions. One of the questions they both got stuck on was whether or not my heart beats faster when I talk in large groups. This would be almost impossible for somebody else to know, unless I was in an experiment where I have my heart rate tracked, while talking to others in a large group.
Two new insights I learned:
1) I am too trusting of others. This quality can help me build relationships, but also cloud my judgment.
2) It is important to be open-minded and share your opinions with others. When sharing your opinions it is important to just share and not to force your opinion on somebody. It is also important to use facts when talking.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Effective communication skills

I do find myself communicating differently with different groups and cultures. When it comes to people that I do not know I am often quiet and shy. For instance, I am out of my comfort zone when I am in a group setting with people that I hardly know. I do sit back and watch others converse while adding in a sentence or too; I do this to include myself in what ever conversation is occurring. When it comes to interacting with people of differing cultures, I tend to be more observant in order to get a feel for the environment and types of communication taking place.
When it comes to communicating with children or elders, I will communicate with these groups similarly, such as showing kindness and being non-judgmental. Oftentimes, children and elderly people are vulnerable and I need to be sure that I am not coming off like I am better or judging anybody. Another strategy that can help me communicate with others is to be sure that I ask questions, this affirms that I am interested and do care about who ever I am talking to. Lastly, it is important to ask those whom I am talking to whether or not they have any questions for me.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Nonverbal Communication in Television

This past week I watched a show on Nickelodeon called, Bella and the Bull Dogs, with my little sister.

This show is a comedy that takes place at a high school.
The characters throughout the show seem to be very jumpy, and have very little movement in each scene before the scene and characters change. There appear to be several different stories in this show, which make it very complicated to decipher. For instance, it seems like there is a girl that dislikes a boy for humiliating her and then she get backs at him by giving him habanero peppers. Also it seems like some other characters in this show seem to be trying to record a video for a commercial.
The beginning of the show starts off with a boy on a horse in the middle of the school while dressed up as a cowboy. At this moment, it appears that a teacher approaches the boy and gives him a form for misconduct.
In another scene in the show I notice that while in music class the teacher seems to be giving praise to someone in the class and the entire class claps. In this moment the boy gets up and sings a song directed towards a girl whom he is interested in. It seems like the girls is in to the boy too since she moves her chair towards him.
After re-watching the show things are much clearer. It appears that I was right about the boy getting into trouble after being caught with a horse in the middle of the school, and he did receive detention. As for the recording of the video I was correct and it is a commercial for a school event called “Tex Fest”.

I think if I watched a show that I knew or at least a show that was not a kid’s comedy I would have been able to understand the dialect and nonverbal emotion occurring.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Competent Communication

I have a friend who has such great verbal communication skills. He has several characteristics such as positive outlook, outgoing, confident, and charismatic personality; whenever my friend talks he shows passion and interest towards whatever subject he is talking about. All of these attributes help with his verbal communication skills. In addition, my friend provides examples and metaphors when he talks in order for his listeners to get a much deeper understanding. I would love to have the ability and confidence to speak freely on whatever is on my mind, and is something that I am continuing to work on.