Wednesday, October 22, 2014

When I Think of Research...

Having taken this course has given me a plethora of new insight. For example, I now know how to prepare for research. Research takes more than conducting research (i.e. interview, observations, etc.) it takes more in-depth thinking.  There are several strategies that go along with research—before I thought it was just conducting the research, but now I know that it consists of dependent, independent variables, and mixed method research. In addition research needs a plan, for example, who are the participants, what is the research topic, what is the goal of the research, what type of data collection is going to be used, etc.
Before taking this course I had a general overview of what research consisted of and what types of data collection can be used. However, when it comes to performing research in the early childhood field I have found there are several factors that need to be considered before carrying out the research. Researchers need to be aware of confidentiality, as well as the NAEYC ‘s Code Of Ethics. In addition researchers should also take the planning of the research into account.
When it comes to challenges that I experienced, I did have trouble remembering the definitions of dependent and independent variables. Whenever an assignment would ask for dependent and independent variables for our research simulation, I would often not input these two. What I thought was dependent and independent variables were really not the correct answers. In order to fix this issue and make the definitions stick, I had to refer back to the text and to Professor Parrish’s comments.

I am not sure my perception of an early childhood professional has been modified, however it has only assured my thinking. Early childhood professionals do it all; they are mentors, teachers, role models, and researchers. They keep the interests of their students and their student’s parents interest first.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    It is always fun to read your blog! Yes, I have the same feeling as you on how this course taught me that research need a very in depth planning including using the guideline of the Code of ethics from the government and NAEYC before go on the conducting any interview or observation. And yes, early education professional have so many hats, yet this is why I am still in the field!
