Saturday, October 4, 2014

Research Around the World

After reviewing Early Childhood Australia from

I found the current international topics are: the health issues on children using technology and how to prevent issues before they occur, supporting children’s imaginative play, and children’s rights.
After exploring this site, I found information on how children’s rights, and how the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (CRC), are doing their part to be sure that all children, universally, receive human rights and standards.  According to this website, “[this is] one of the most internationally recognized treaties, the Convention sets out the basic rights of children and the obligations of governments to fulfill those rights” (Children's Rights - Early Childhood Australia).
In addition to this affirmation, I found information about asthma and how it affects every one in ten children. It is unfortunate how there is a high rate of asthma in children, and the cause is still unknown on how asthma is developed.
Learning more about asthma is important information, especially when it comes to working with children. We need to be sure we as teachers are familiar with issues that are likely to affect our students and how we can help them. This would make a great research assignment in the future.


"Children's Rights - Early Childhood Australia." Early Childhood Australia Childrens Rights Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2014. <>.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    I elaborated on Australia in my blog. I didn't see the information on Asthma in children on the website. I feel as though research need to be done to find out what causes asthma and how it's developed. Some children at my school asthma is so severe they have to bring their medications and asthma pump to school just in case a severe attack occur on the premises.
