Saturday, May 10, 2014

Getting Ready—E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Week 1:
This week I have contacted three different organizations: EuropEA World Organization for Early Childhood Education, EECERA European Early Childhood Education Research Association, and Early Education The British Association For Early Childhood Education. I found all of these organizations on google after searching early childhood education internationally, or abroad. So far, I have not heard back from any of them, however I'm hoping that is due to a time difference.

I do know a few people abroad that I had in mind for this assignment, however they are college professionals, and not in the early childhood professional field:(
Regardless, I am hoping that one of the three people organizations I chose will respond to my e-mail and help me with the upcoming assignments.

I am curious to see what everyone else has chosen for their organizations, and what countries they picked.



  1. Yes, Elizabeth, I can understand that it is frustrating that no one has contacted you yet. It is frustrating for me because I really would learn to hear from someone in a different country than me but is in the same profession. Hopefully someone contacts you soon.

  2. Hi Elizabeth
    I am learning more each day that I cannot take the smallest thing for granted. I was a teacher in Jamaica and so I know professionals at all levels. Yet I have been trying for days now to get an early childhood professional's email address. I now realize that I do not have the connection that I thought would be so easily activated. People have promised me that "oh, no problem, I will have my sister, colleague, friend link you for this connection" until this moment nothing. I am hopeful that somebody will get back to me. I am sure that you will be feeling better next week this time, because if those you have reached out to are not on board, there are loads more links to try. All the best in making your connections, it will be worth it after all.

  3. Hi Elizabeth, yeah, I also hope to get a response from my email messages.
    If they'll respond back was my initial concern.
    If not, we should enjoy this study anyway.

  4. Hi Elizabeth! I haven't heard back from any of my contacts either so don't be discouraged. I'm very excited to see and hear all that you discover and share over the coming weeks...especially from your international contacts.
    - Jantina Maria
