Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Supports

My daily supports include my boyfriend, cat, and mom.

My boyfriend is supportive to me because first and foremost he supports me with any of my decisions. He gives me emotional support.  Whenever I need him, he will always be there for me. My boyfriend also helped/helps me overcome many of the obstacles that I have faced/ continue to face. We battle every obstacle together.

My cat gives me support because she is a great listener. I may take care of her, but she also takes care of me too. We are always there for each other, good or bad.  My cat needs me and I need her to.

Lastly, my mom is one of my greatest supporters. My mom is my motivator. My mom motivates me whenever I need it, and continues to give me constructive criticism. My mom is someone I can talk to, someone I can trust, and certainly someone that continues to push me to achieve my goals.

Living without my supports would be very difficult. I am sure I will be able to attain anything I wanted without my supports, but it would certainly be lonely, and challenging. Without the support of both my boyfriend and mom, I would more than likely not finish my goals. I would not have someone to continue to motivate me and cheer me on to reach my goals.  I tend to put all my focus into one thing, however I become disinterested fast; having my supports reminds me to continue and remember what I am working for.  Not having the support from my cat would make me depressed. My cat brings me joy; whenever I come home I look forward to seeing her and see how excited she is to see me. Like previously mentioned in other blogs, I do not have many friends, and to live without my cat would bring me to one less friend that I do not have.

The challenge I have chosen is the inability to talk. Not being vocal would be extremely hard. I would constantly need to have a translator present if I were going out, whether it was to the grocery store, a restaurant, etc. Basically anywhere where you would normally briefly talk to someone.  Without a translator I would need to rely on sign language, however many of today’s society do not sign, making it difficult to translate. If I was without a translator I would most likely be depressed or angry, as I would not be able to communicate with able-bodied people who do not sign. Making friends would also be quite difficult unless they too knew how to sign.


  1. Yes, Elizabeth. I also agree - losing the ability to speak would be a big challenge. It would be lonely and depressing. People who are born with that disability have learned at an early age how to communicate; however people who lose it later in life would have an uphill struggle and would need LOTS of care, support, and help. Thanks for making me think.

  2. I loved having a pet, they do listen well. They actually look back like they feel our pain lol.. my boyfriend is great too, he keeps me motivated on school work and not being able to speak is devastating. I would lose my mind, I could talk all day.
