Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

The website I have been studying the past few weeks is the Global Fund For Children. You can access the website at: 
This website makes me a better educator and advocate for children because it give me access to issues that are happening globally. This website also gives me ways in which I can get involved with the organization.
One video & article on the website that made me think was, “Bangladesh’s “Boat Schools” Tackle Education and Climate Change” (The Global Fund For Children). What intrigues me is how there is effort to build schools on boats for the children in Bangladesh that are affected by flooding from the monsoons in Bangladesh, however does not mention how these children and families are living. In the video, it appears that most buildings and homes are flooded and underwater, so my question is if there are any efforts to help those whose homes are unlivable? Where do the children go home to? I mean it is great how the Global Fund For Children are helping children who cannot go to school, since their schools are flooded, however I believe that helping find/ new safe homes is more important.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Elizabeth,
    Thank you for sharing that very interesting video of the boat schools,that is a genius idea, taking creativity to a great level. I like the idea that if the floods prevent the children from going to school then definitely, if there is a way then the school should come to the children, brilliant. All that is great and very helpful but I join with you to ask the same question of where the children live when they are not in school.
    Global fund for children are doing a life-changing project and that is amazing. I look forward to more information on where the children and their families are living since their homes are gone in the flood waters.
