Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Connections to Play

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" (Plato).

"I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind" (Leo Buscaglia).

Unfortunately, I do not have many memories of playing when I was younger. However after taking some time to think about how I played in my childhood, I did do a lot of pretend play and dress up.
The few memories that I do recall is playing dress up with my dogs and strolling my cat in a stroller as if she were a baby. When growing up I did not have many friends or kids in my neighborhood, so I made the most with what I had, which were my pets.

Today, I feel play is different than how it was when I was growing up. People these days are surrounded by technology, and this includes kids as well. Kids are learning to use technology at a very young age, and I feel devices like Ipads/ tablets, television, phones, and video games is at a rise and is consuming the brains of young individuals. I hope parents catch on to the fact that long exposure to technology can be detrimental to their child's brain development. With the decrease in technology play, more kids will be reintroduced to physical play.



  1. Elizabeth, I agree that children get too much technology. I just married three more children into my family, and they have already caught on to the fact that there is no need to bring their little computer games etc. to our house. We only have them every other weekend and we believe in going outside and playing at our house.
    I agree that parents need to look into the fact that too much technology is not good for our children.

  2. That Plato is a brilliant, clever man. How someone uses their imagination can tell you soooo much. Even today, how people joke around, can always tell you more than you can just sitting and talking
