Saturday, March 15, 2014

Reflecting on Building Relationships

Although, I may not have a lot of friends like many others, however this gives me more reason to cherish these relationships that I do have. Relationships/ partnerships are important to me because this allows to me to get a better understanding of who I am, and how I interact with others.

I currently have positive relationships/ partnerships with:
-My Boyfriend: My boyfriend and I both keep each other happy. We try to be as positive as we can be without letting the negative affect us, despite any negative circumstances big or small that may arise.  We maintain our relationship by being sincere and honest with each other.

-My friend Mary: Mary and I keep a good friendship by keeping each other company. It is always important to have good company and having someone to talk to. We maintain our friendship by communicating often and hanging out with each other on a weekly basis.

-My Grandma: My Grandma and I have a good time doing things we love, whether it is watching a movie, dinning out, shopping, or traveling. We maintain a great relationship by communicating often. I talk to my grandma at least 2-3 times a week.

I believe what makes these relationships special compared to others is that we each bring out the best in each other.

My experiences with my relationships/ friendships impact my work as an effective early childhood professional, because my friends provide direct feedback on some of the work that I do. Those that I truly care about will give me the most constructive and honest feedback, which is something that I need in order to grow and be a successful professional.


  1. Elizabeth, you are correct! Communicating with our special people build great relationships with them. Enjoying them and what we do also build those relationships. You seem to have 3 very important ones right now. Good luck with and continued successes.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    I like how you talk about relationships being important because this allows you to get to better understand whom you are and how you interact with others. I also agree that it is great to get honest feedback. I always appreciate when someone gives me good advice on how I can improve. We can always improve but sometimes it takes someone helping us out and showing us another way. I find it very helpful when people can give critiques in a non-threatening way.
    The relationship with your Grandma sounds very special. I just celebrated my Grandmas 90th birthday with her today and the rest of the family. Grandmas are great!

  3. Elizabeth,
    Thank you for sharing your relationships with us. I agree with you that in a relationship you need to be able to share constructive and honest feedback. Until you have a strong relationship established, the other person may not be open to this feedback. In a relationship, the other person needs to realize that you only have their best interest in mind.

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I too do not have a lot of friends. During my high school years I had a few friends, but once we graduated I did not here from them. Now that I am older I have very few friends but my friends are almost 10 years older than me. I understand how you feel the few friends allows you time to look and focus on yourself, which brings you to a good plus.

  5. Positive relationships are great. I have many positive relationships that help me along the way of life's journey. Not only do I find positive relationships to be important in the early childhood program but within eavery day life.
    Angela Preston

  6. I remember the relationship l had with my grandmother, she kept me serene and extremely positive. Now I just keep her in mind when I am lost.
