Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week 2

With a struggle or two, I have made it to the second week of class. Not only is navigating the page an issue for me, but the website uploads very slow. I am not sure if I am the only one having this issue, however I am using a Mac, and I know that the Walden website is more favored towards PC users. If someone can give me some input whether or not they have the same issue that would be great.
However, despite this headache I am relieved that I am doing well with my time management, and accomplishing all of my duties as a student :)


  1. Elizabeth,
    I have had to switch internet browsers. Chrome seems to work the best. It has definitely been trial and error.

  2. Thank you for the advice, besides that technology is not my skill sometimes that had happend to me too. I have been almost two hours in the computer and acomplish very little :( but I am not going to give up so easily ;)
