Friday, September 20, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

 -Grandma: Of my entire family I feel my Grandma was the main one that raised me. My Grandma was always there for me. My Grandma and I have a unique relationship. Of my entire family, I am the only one that is close to my Grandma; at one point she was my roommate, and to this day is one of my best friends. Due to my Native American Heritage, my Grandma has always been there to teach me the language and culture, and tell me about how she was raised on the Navajo Reservation. Today, I still see my Grandma at least once per week. My Grandma has influenced me a lot growing up, that to this day my friends tell me I have my grandma’s qualities of being caring, giving, and of having an old soul.

-Mom: Since my Mom was a young single Mom it was tough raising me when I was younger. Luckily, with the help of my Grandma my Mom was able to establish a support system to help raise me. My Mom had a lot of juggling to do in order to provide for me. While I was younger, I did not see it that way, but I know she did everything she could to give me everything I wanted. Today, my Mom is more of a friend. My Mom has always been supportive of my decisions, and wants me to strive for things she was never able to achieve. Whenever I make decisions, I take my mom into account, as I want to make her proud.

-Aunt: My aunt is my Mom’s younger sister. While my Mom was busy juggling her duties of being a mother, student, and employee, my Aunt was my babysitter. Because my Mom and my Aunt are so close in age they would take me to school with them and switch off babysitting me, while the other would be in class. It was a juggling act, and took place while I was a toddler. My Aunt was always my babysitter. She would be the one to pick me up from school or daycare and take care of me until my Mom would get home. When I refused to go to after school daycare, I would have my Aunt come pick me up, she was my savior. My Aunt would often take me to the park, play with me, and take me out on trips. Today, my Aunt and I are pretty close, if anything someone I look up to. Whenever I need help with advice in regards to school, she is the first person I turn to.

-Grandpa: My Grandpa was a goofy, quirky guy. Because my Dad was not always in the picture, my Grandpa was more of a father figure in my life. My Grandpa always put me first. My Grandpa spoiled me when I was younger and always wanted me to do my best.  My Grandpa always wanted me to put education first, and when I was doing poorly in school he would make me go to tutors to seek help. My Grandpa has impacted my present life of continuing my education. If I am able body, why not continue to learn and apply it to everyday situations.

-Childhood Cat: I know my cat might not be a person, but she certainly was family. My cat, Missy, was given to me at age five, after my Dad left. Missy was my best friend. She was always there to listen and she did her best to help me through my many challenges. Missy knew when I needed comforting, and she sincerely cared for me, as much as I cared for her. My pet cat made me feel special when I was growing up; I had her for 15 years. I would say she made a significant difference in my childhood. Missy continues to impact my life by me striving to stay positive and stress-free.


  1. I love hearing about your relationship with all of your family but I especially enjoyed hearing about your grandmother that raised you! Is her native language still alive and thriving? I know that many Native American languages are being forgotten. I did work the the Seneca Nations and they have one person who is still alive that remembers when their language was spoken fluently! They refer to her as their living dictionary and are learning as much from her as they can. It is a wonderful thing that she has been able to share that with you.

    Your family has really impressed me with their ability to take their struggles and trails and overcome them by working together, like your mom and aunt. They are great role models to look up to and I thank you for sharing their strengths and bonds with the rest of us!

  2. Elizabeth,
    WOW! I am so happy you have your grandma in your life! I miss mine terribly!! You are all very strong women! Where do you think you get your vision and drive for your life? I have some native american Cherokee, in me too. It is from my father's side. I love that you have that part of your life. It seems to have left when my grandma passed away. She loved that part of us. She knew so much too.
    Thank you for sharing! You are inspiring.

  3. Elizabeth,
    Grandparents do make a different. they are there when no one else is. I still have one of my grandmothers. And yes she is the back bone of my family.

  4. Nice Family, your grandparents reminds me of mine.

  5. Thank you for sharing your story. It's very important to have a elderly to tell us what our culture and identity are so we could pass on to our next generations. I am sure pet is also considered in our support system. My dog always my best friend! She's here for me no matter what happened and silently keeping me company.

  6. Hello Elizabeth,

    Yes grandmothers do have a way of bringing out the old soul in you!

  7. Thank you for sharing your story!
