Saturday, September 14, 2013

Here is a picture of me on Halloween 1993 or 1994.

My favorite childhood book is Corduroy by Don Freeman. Never have I thought about why I liked this book so much, but I feel that after pondering about it, this may have been the origin to me treating my many stuffed animals as friends with feelings. The author uses personification to give life like qualities to stuffed animal, Corduroy the bear. What I like about this children’s book is how Corduroy is on a mission to find his lost button. Corduroy wants to look “brand-new” that way someone can buy him and take him home.

What fuels me to succeed and become a teacher is due to my siblings. I want to set an example for my younger siblings. All of my half-siblings range in ages from 2-13 years old, and each of them look up to me as their older educated sister. What really motivated me to become a teacher was my little sister. My younger sister was in  kindergarten at the time and I was helping out as a teacher’s aid in her class. What I loved about it was how proud she was to tell all of her classmates that she was my sister; that was when I realized I wanted to teach in the early childhood field.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,

    I believe that your impact on your sister is great. I am proud of you for taking the role modeling seriously. Children to idolize their older siblings. Your good choices will inspire them to make good choices. They will see education as a positive and want to emulate that same path.
    Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration!
