Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week 8- Reflecting on Learning

Sparks and Edwards mention, "young children need caring adults to help them construct appositive sense of self and a respectful understanding of others. They need adults to help them begin to navigate and resist the harmful impact of prejudice and discrimination" (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. 11). During these past eight weeks I have learned a plethora of new knowledge. I look forward to implementing all that I have learned into my classroom. It excites me to know that I have a pocketful of new strategies and techniques to use that will not only benefit me as a better instructor, but will also benefit my students even more. Everyday at my preschool, we have a set schedule, however during circle time this gives me the opportunity to freely teach and educate my students through activities, books, and games.
I want to be a teacher that my students can remember well into their educational careers. I want to influence my students to be better and teach them important life lessons which they can take with them into adulthood. My reason for becoming a teacher is to make a significant impact on my students and promote positive experiences in their lives. In my mind, school should be fun and a place where children can freely express themselves without feeling ashamed or embarrassed for speaking their minds. In addition, parents should be welcomed into the classroom; the classroom is not only for children, but also for parents. I want my classroom to be a place where ideas can be shared and a place of learning for both children and families.
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to comment on my discussions and blog. I really appreciate the feedback. In addition, I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas, as I really appreciate your opinions and getting a different perspective on the assignments. This course has given me a lot of new insight and I would not have gained as much knowledge that I have without your help.
Thank you, and I hope that each and every one of you succeed in all your for future endeavors.

Elizabeth Santacruz


Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Elizabeth,

    I'm sure you are already making a real impact in the lives of your learners that they will carry with them throughout. Early childhood is the foundational years and the right time also to start sowing the right kind of seeds in them to grow into healthy adults and good individuals. I sincerely wish you all the luck and certainly to keep up with the great work you are doing in the lives of your young children. Our role goes beyond teaching as we also have a social responsibility to transform our respective schools. I was glad to have known you and reading about your thoughts in your blog and discussion posts. That was truly enlightening. Thanks for your hard work and dedication in this field. Wish you the best, keep it up! Caroline.

  3. You and I share the same goals. I want to be a teacher that the children I teach can remember. Even if I only reach one child I will feel as though I have made a difference. Good luck to you in your future endeavors!
