Saturday, June 20, 2015

Creating Art

Differences are everywhere.
People have biases towards what is different.
We all have biases.
Having biases are seen as a negative.
If I like everyone else has a bias does this make me bad?
We all have biases.
I am not perfect nor is anybody else.
Work on the things that make you uncomfortable and overcome what you fear.
We all have biases.
People everywhere are different
Make a difference.
Change your ways.
Think positive. Overcome your biases.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, I enjoyed reading your poem the information you shared was authentic. And yes we do all have biases but because we have biases it doesn't make us bad. We have to remember that biases are not formed overnight they are deeply rooted. So they will not change overnight we are all works in progress.
