Monday, December 15, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope I want to bring to my students and their families it to be sure to include and make everyone feel welcome. In addition, I want to be sure to incorporate everyone's culture into the classroom. I will perform this by making sure that the children and families have seen I have made an effort in trying to incorporate their diverse and unique traits to the classroom. These activities will consist of sharing our cultures in a class and show and tell discussion, a wall with resources for parents that are both written in English and in Spanish, in addition to having online resources where parents can receive further information (I would like my online page to have different varieties of languages that fits their language needs). 
Right now, I am working as a pre-school teacher and I notice that some children are a little standoffish to their peers that may look different (ethnic, cultural, religious background). If I do my part in making everyone feel welcome and educate my students about other cultures and of people's differences, I'm sure these fears that children may have will hopefully diminish.

I want to thank each and every one of you for commenting on my posts these past 8 weeks. Thank you for the feedback. I too have learned a lot through reading each one of your comments and posts. 

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Welcoming Families From Around the World

The name of the family's country origin is Nepal.

In order to prepare myself I will locate Nepal on a map and see what is the primary ethnic and religious background. I will also research what the typical customs are in Nepal. In addition, I will find out information about their education system. Lastly, I will research about various ways of communication (the do's and don'ts).

Knowing these five aspects about people from Nepal can provide a lot of information and help us ease the transition of our student and their family to our American customs. For instance people of Nepal worship the cow, so it would be important for me as a teacher to educate my other students why people of Nepal do not eat beef. In addition, it would be important for me to know who is the head of the household, in order to discuss school business with. I also think it is important to know of the different religions in this country, as particular religious practices might interrupt with the normal class schedule.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

One incident where I witness prejudice is where my friend would refer to Asians as being bad drivers. In this particular situation, my friend was upset and had road rage and continued talk about how Asians were bad drivers. I do not agree with my friend, however may understand how this person may feel this way because there may have been several instances where my friend has had bad experiences with drivers who just so happen to be Asian.
Each time I confront my friend I give examples of how some Asian people do races, this is where he gets defensive. This example diminishes equity because my friends comment is referring to several Asian people and not just a single bad person. He is saying that this person is a bad driver because he/ she is Asian, not because they simply have poor driving skills.