Saturday, November 15, 2014

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

For this assignment I interviewed my 12-year old half Brother, my 10-year-old half-Sister, my Mother (100% Native American), and my Step-dad (Caucasian).

"Culture it is stuff that relates to a race" (Moore, 2014).
"Diversity means a race that is not native to the area" (Moore, 2014).

Culture is religion and where people are from.
Diversity is where people are from different places (countries).

My Mom believes culture is to keep in touch with ones heritage.
My Mom believes diversity is like a melting pot. Several communities of different nationalities.

Culture is one's background (ethnicity).
Diversity is a mix between races living in a society.

Having asked four people about culture I believe my Step-Dad and Sister gave the most thorough answers. As for my Mom and Brother, they only had a general idea of what culture is. My sister said culture is religion, I believe she went in-depth with her answer. My Mom, Brother, Sister, and Step-Dad neglected to provide thorough answers and only had one opinion of what culture really was. They forgot about family culture, and what is included in culture (i.e. language, customs, ethnic background, traditions, religion, etc).
As for defining diversity, I believe my Mom and Step-Dad were on point when it came to defining diversity.
Thinking about others definitions of culture and diversity, it has given me a better understanding of how people do not typically think of or are aware of culture and diversity.

Moore, A. (2014, November 15). Personal Interview.
Moore, A. (2014, November 15). Personal Interview.
Moore, M. (2014, November 15). Personal Interview.
Moore, N. (2014, November 15). Personal Interview.


  1. Hi Elizabeth, it was great to read the responses that your younger brother and sister gave as answers with how they define culture and diversity. Many individuals may think that they are too young to have a really good grasp on the understanding of what culture and diversity means. Well, they definitely have a good understanding of what it means. When I got off the phone with my two friends who I interviewed over the phone, my son asked me what I was talking about, so I asked him the same question and he gave a similar answer as your siblings. It shows that even though they haven't shared the same experiences or may not have the same knowledge about diversity and culture, they still have an understanding of what it is. I was impressed! I was impressed by your siblings' answers as well!! :)

    Thank you for including the perspective of diversity and culture from a younger generation!

    Take care,

  2. Elizabeth,
    I enjoyed reading the answers you retrieve from your younger brother and sister, they answered diversity and culture like a true soldier. I feel as though they are being taught in school about different cultures and diversity in the world today. Thanks for sharing the younger generation into this assignment.

  3. Hello Elizabeth! I think that your brother, sister, mom and step dad gave good answers for their definitions of culture and diversity. Culture and diversity is a variety of different ways of life and characteristics. I do not believe that there is a right or wrong way to describe these two. The answers depend on the person and their life experiences. I find it interesting to hear the definition of culture from those that come from different backgrounds than I. Thanks for sharing!
