Friday, June 13, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

The website I explored this week is

The Save The Children Organization is dedicated to allowing children to live to their full potential, through health, education, and protection. The organization specifically helps the welfare of children in an emergency.
The Save the Children Organization reaches 120 countries, including the United States. In the United States, “nearly 1-4 American children lives in poverty—that’s 16 million kids who understand all too well what it means to go without” (USA). The organization helps children with education, health, and with emergency preparedness. The Save the Children has many programs from disaster relief, early steps to success, healthy choices, literacy, and policy.

The website I selected at the beginning of the course is,
This website adds to my understanding of equity and excellence in early childcare and education. This organization affects thousands of children and allows them to attend school instead of working.


  1. Hi, Elizabeth, I follow Save the Children Organization, too. I like how they care about each and every child's well-being. They do give others opportunities to join the organization, as a career or as a volunteer. This is an organization that I plan on following for many years to come and more.

  2. Elizabeth.
    I think that organizations like save the children are just doing an awesome job of advocating for quality care and education for children all over the world. Many families who would otherwise have no hope are gaining experiences and benefiting from quality programs because of the work of Save the Children. Awesome site!
