Saturday, June 21, 2014

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

These past few weeks I have lost touch with my international contacts. It is unfortunate, but I am still thankful I am able to complete this assignment through UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage.

Three new ideas I found are:
1) This organization not only focuses on the quality of learning, but also regulates the health and nutrition of individuals to be sure meaningful learning can take place.
2) This organization also considers the holistic approach to child development, which is tending to children’s health, nutrition, security, and learning.
3) In addition to the two new insights, UNESCO has advocated in the past to make sure that all children are being developed to their fullest potential. With this being said, UNESCO works in partnership with Member States (Early Childhood | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), to ensure that everything is being implemented to reach their goal.

Gaining new insight from this webpage will be further me as a teacher because it lets me know how other students in the world are affected by different educational, social, and household outcomes.


Early Childhood | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (n.d.). Early Childhood | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth
    I have to re-post to your blog because I submitted it to Dr D and now I am not seeing it here. I am in Jamaica where the internet service is iffy so I have to double check everything. I like the UNESCO myself because it is full of interesting, useful and informative information. This organization should be a resource for all professionals globally ,who are working in any way with children. I like the fact that their focus in on quality for all children that they may achieve their full potential from early childhood throughout adulthood. Very valuable resource to have at our fingertips.
