Saturday, November 2, 2013

Childbirth In Your Life and Around the World

I have never given birth before, nor have I been part of the birthing process. I have however helped my Mother in preparation for her two scheduled Cesarean Sections. I remember my Mother having to stay in the hospital for a week or so for recovery. When my brother was born he had jaundice and had to receive special attention and sleep under a light meter for treatment. As for my sister’s birth, she was born with teeth. I chose these two examples, as these are two memories that I actually remember from my sibling’s birth (I was very young at the time of their deliveries).
I think it is incredibly important to receive support right after giving birth. Having extra support will not only allow the mother to get her rest, but will allow the child to recognize that he/she is surrounded by people who care about them.
There are many countries throughout the world that have different birthing practices than in the U.S. For instance, according to Parents Magazine in The Netherlands, the Dutch have the option of giving birth at home or in a hospital (Schalken, L. (n.d.).  Another difference is that instead of a pregnant woman seeing an obstetrician they would go to a midwife practice. I also found it interesting how if the mother is to give birth in a hospital they are unlikely to receive an epidural and may also go home in as little as two hours if there are no complications. The unique thing about Dutch birthing customs is that there is maternity home care that is covered by insurance; where a nurse comes to one’s house for seven days and provides medical care, cleans the apartment/ house, cooks, and gives basic parenting instruction (Schalken, L. (n.d.). Giving birth in the Netherlands seems like a dream for pregnant mothers. There are many differences between the Netherlands and the U.S. I am sure if mothers in the U.S. were offered additional at home help after birth, most if not all would certainly take advantage of this opportunity.



  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    Thank you for sharing your new finding about Dutch's birthing custom. It's interesting to know the different birthing custom around the world. I like Dutch's custom that a nurse will stay at one's house as a medical support and housemaid, the best part is insurance would cover as well! Wouldn't it be so nice if US have this system too?


  2. I believe that if the United States had a similar custom as that of the Netherlands in reference to helping after the birth, instances of postpartum depression and such may decrease. This is such an issue as of late and really needs to be further studied so that the instances may improve over time.

  3. I really appreciate your statement that we need support after giving birth. I did not recieve the support I needed. So thanks for understanding that as you have not had a child yet. Trust me when you will remember every thing, every aspect about it.

  4. Hey Elizabeth,

    I think it was really interesting that maternity home care is covered by insurance in the Netherlands. Great post!!!

