Friday, September 12, 2014

Your Personal Research Journey 6163

The topic I chose for the simulation is how we as teachers can do our part in positively affecting our students, which are at-risk for crime, violence, and drugs. When I say at-risk children, I am referring to those that are age 10 and up. I have chosen this topic because having a bachelor’s in Sociology I have learned that there is a reason behind children turning to negative means for help. What really interests me is how this entire process is preventative, and if we do our part we can positively turn our student’s lives around.
Having constructed the research chart, I have learned several new insights that will help better equip me for this class and in my future endeavors. I have learned the process of learning how to decipher whether information is of high quality and reliability; this research chart has allowed me to apply the information that I have learned.
Have any of you done research before? If so, what was the topic, and can you share any insights that you have learned.

My tip for doing research is to take lots and lots of notes. If it is performing an interview jot down important information during the interview, then immediately after, write a summary of the entire interview. This allows you to reflect on everything that was discussed and reassures that you do not forget any information.


  1. Hello Elizabeth,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like you are on your way to helping our young children in a positive way. I like the fact that you can see a need to turn our child’s lives around when they come from a negative background. I’m glad that you are willing to get information from individuals through interviews. Good luck to you in your work. Charity

  2. Hi Elizabeth, you chose a very fascinating topic to research. It will be interesting to find how we can change or alter the negative paths that children take. It sounds like you have a good grasp on your topic and you identified some good questions that will help guide you through your research.

    Elizabeth, I will be honest and tell you that research is something new for me, but I am looking forward to the challenge. I found that how this course breaks down the research process has been really helpful. Reading research articles can be daunting, so I thought it was extremely helpful when we were given information on how to breakdown research articles. That assignment has given me the confidence to know how to navigate through an article is still daunting, but it will get easier!!! Right?? :)

    Thank you for sharing your tips!!!!!
    Best of luck researching your topic!
    Take care,
